Balance beyond aesthetics
The goal of breast reconstruction is to restore one or both breasts to near normal shape, appearance, symmetry and size following mastectomy, lumpectomy or congenital deformities.
Breast reconstruction often involves multiple procedures performed in stages and can either begin at the time of mastectomy or be delayed until a later date.
Breast reconstruction generally falls into two categories: implant-based reconstruction or flap reconstruction. Implant reconstruction relies on breast implants to help form a new breast mound. Flap (or autologous) reconstruction uses the patient’s own tissue from another part of the body to form a new breast.
There are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing which option is best:
The expansion of the remaining tissue, followed by the placing a silicone implant, is the most simple and frequent way of reconstruction. Under the pectoral muscle an expander will be inserted (a temporary implant). This will be filled, step by step, with saline solution, with the purpose to relax and expand in time the remained tissues and to allow the insertion of a definitive implant, which will have the same dimensions of the healthy breast.
Afterwards, the reconstruction of the areola and the nipple is done, only after the skin is used with the new vascularization.
A second breast reconstruction technique uses the patient’s own tissue: back, buttocks, thighs or abdomen flaps. These will be transferred at the anterior thorax level. By using the latissimus dorsi flaps, the muscle with this name gets mobilized, along with the skin, under the armpit, until the breast level.
You may be a candidate for breast reconstruction if:
Although breast reconstruction can rebuild your breast, the results are highly variable:
The surgical intervention is made under general anesthesia and it is necessary the overnight hospitalization after the intervention. The duration of the intervention is 1,5- 4 hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure. After this you must wear a special bra for the breasts support and for a correct healing, for a period strictly defined by the doctor. The scars will never disappear, but their aspect will greatly fade in time.
For the patient’s comfort during the intervention, we will administer anesthesia. Most of the time, patients opt for injectable local anesthesia.
Sometimes mastectomy does not preserve enough tissue on the chest wall to cover and support a breast implant.
The best-known techniques for such an intervention are those with the TRAM flap, the DIEP flap and the SIEA flap. The flaps can be taken from the abdomen or chest area.
With the help of breast reconstruction with an expander, the patient benefits from an easier recovery, unlike breast reconstruction with a flap.
If you opt for this technique, it is good to know that you will have to make frequent visits to the clinic for 1-2 months to gradually fill the expander with saline solution.
The breast implant can be an alternative to the flap technique. The surgeon may suggest such an intervention until the flap reconstruction procedure takes place.
Împreună spargem barierele și arătăm de ce naturalul și echilibrul au rămas și vor rămâne principii de bază după care să ne ghidăm atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și în lumea chirurgiei estetice.
Sōma Clinic se alătură Grupului NORD, consolidând astfel o echipă de profesioniști în chirurgie estetică, plastică și estetică medicală.
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