Balance beyond aesthetics
Labiaplasty is a surgical intervention in which aesthetic problems related to the dimensions and the shape of the labia are corrected.
The pubic region can have an unaesthetic prominent aspect, in persons who present horizontal scars on the inferior part of the abdomen or to the overweighted ones. This condition can be corrected with the help of liposuction at the level of the big labia and the pubic region. Because of the weight loss or aging, the big labia lose their volume, and to change this, the person’s own fat from the areas with adipose deposits is transferred to the labia level, achieving the rejuvenation of the area.
The elongation of the small labia can appear after some surgical treatments or postpartum, but it can also be a constitutional problem. Whatever the cause, the operation is a simple one. The tissue excess is removed, and the scars will be practically invisible after healing with permanent results, without a future need for another intervention. The operation takes about 30 minutes, it is made under local anesthesia and there is no need for hospitalization. The post-operatory discomfort and the pain are of low intensity.
The healing is done in approximately one month and it is necessary to mantain a rigurous hygiene of the sutures plague. The suture wires are resorbable. It is recommended to avoid physical effort and sexual activities in the first weeks after the intervention because there is a risk of suture unbinding.
The most common labiaplasty procedure is fat transfer (fat is taken from another area of the body and injected into the intimate area). This procedure is done if you want to enlarge the labia majora or to achieve symmetry. If you need a labia minora or labia majora reduction, the excess skin will be removed.
The labiaplasty operation takes about 30-40 minutes, and patients can go home immediately after the intervention. They will be given local anesthesia for comfort during the operation. The healing process varies from patient to patient, depending on each person’s body.
During a labiaplasty consultation we will discuss the following:
Also, the doctor:
The integumentary excess is excised in the form of a fold and with the appearance of a veil.
Împreună spargem barierele și arătăm de ce naturalul și echilibrul au rămas și vor rămâne principii de bază după care să ne ghidăm atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și în lumea chirurgiei estetice.
Sōma Clinic se alătură Grupului NORD, consolidând astfel o echipă de profesioniști în chirurgie estetică, plastică și estetică medicală.
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