Balance beyond aesthetics
“Vampire therapy” or the treatment with own plasma enriched with platelets (PRP therapy) is one of the most modern methods of rejuvenating the skin through its own factors of regeneration.
This therapy involves the collection of a small amount of own blood which, after processing, is injected into the face, neck, chest or scalp (scalp).
PRP treatment is very useful for rejuvenating the skin, achieving a glowing, firm and smooth complexion, improving and fading wrinkles.
Injected into the scalp, plasma enriched with growth factors will stop hair loss and speed up the hair growth process.
If you are considering having this treatment, you can visit the before/after photos section. The information helps patients have realistic expectations for the outcome of this treatment.
The doctor collects a tube of venous blood.
The blood sample tube is inserted into a special centrifuge and at a certain centrifugation speed several milliliters of plasma enriched with platelets are obtained. Centrifugation activates the platelets growth factors.
The plasma is then injected into the targeted area.
In our clinic we use an automatic injection technique with the help of an injection gun, so the treatment is safe, fast and painless. Thus the plasma is distributed equally.
Results differ from patient to patient depending on the body’s response to PRP-induced collagen regeneration.
PRP treatment is very useful for rejuvenating the skin, achieving a glowing, firm and smooth skin, improving and fading wrinkles.
Injected into the scalp, plasma enriched with growth factors will stop hair loss and speed up the hair growth process.
The injection and application of the treatment to the skin causes the stimulation of collagen and elastin growth, thus helping to regenerate new healthy skin tissue through gradual, natural and real results that progressively improve over the next 2-3 months after a single treatment.
*Rezultatele pot varia în funcție de caracteristicile personale ale pacienților. Ne adresăm persoanelor cu vârsta peste 18 ani.
Împreună spargem barierele și arătăm de ce naturalul și echilibrul au rămas și vor rămâne principii de bază după care să ne ghidăm atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și în lumea chirurgiei estetice.
Sōma Clinic se alătură Grupului NORD, consolidând astfel o echipă de profesioniști în chirurgie estetică, plastică și estetică medicală.
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