Balance beyond aesthetics
Hyaluronic acid has many benefits, the most important in the aesthetic field being the following:
Hyaluronic acid injection treatment has become one of the most popular aesthetic treatments and is increasingly desired by patients.
With age, the volume of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis decreases, which leads to the loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. This is the reason why many people end up turning to hyaluronic acid injections, as the skin needs additional help to regain tone, elasticity and volume.There are many hyaluronic acid products and depending on the product and on the layer that is injected into, the benefits of the hyaluronic acid are:What hyaluronic acid cannot solve:
For certain patients, a facelift may be more suitable than hyaluronic acid. It is very important to remember that hyaluronic acid is a temporary treatment for the signs of aging on the face, the neck, the cleavage area and the hands.For the best result possible, the doctor will mark strategic points on your face. Some photographs will be taken of the areas that will be treated.
Local anesthesia will be administered, as patient comfort comes first in our clinic.
This only takes a few moments. After the injection, the treated area is massaged and then the result is evaluated so that it meets the expectations of the patients.
A cold compress (frozen gel) is applied to minimize the risk of unwanted post-injection bleeding. Depending on the number of areas treated, the intervention can last between 15 minutes and about an hour.
In case you have more questions, we are here to answer all your questions regarding the use of hyaluronic acid fillers.
Împreună spargem barierele și arătăm de ce naturalul și echilibrul au rămas și vor rămâne principii de bază după care să ne ghidăm atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și în lumea chirurgiei estetice.
Sōma Clinic se alătură Grupului NORD, consolidând astfel o echipă de profesioniști în chirurgie estetică, plastică și estetică medicală.
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