Balance beyond aesthetics
Liposuction is a surgical intervention that has the purpose of eliminating fat excess with the help of subcutaneously localized suction. It can be done to the face, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs or calves.
The surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia and it can take from 1 up to 3 hours, depending on its complexity. It consists in very small and thin incisions, through which the fat is being extracted with the help of cannulas connected to a vacuum. Post-operatory pain depends on the removed quantity and on the treated areas, but usually patients don’t complain about the pain, they mostly complain about numbness and dizziness.
It is necessary to wear a compressive bandage up to 4 weeks. Afterwards, for another 2 weeks, the bandage must be worn during night. The bruises need approximately 2 weeks for healing. It is recommended to avoid physical effort in the first weeks post-operatory.
Liposuction surgery can be performed alone or at the same time as other plastic surgery procedures, such as breast reduction, abdominoplasty or facelift.
Liposuction should not be seen as a treatment for obesity or a substitute for diet and exercise.
It also does not solve the problem of cellulite, a problem that we encounter most often in areas such as: thighs, hips, butt.
If you are bothered by the fact that you have excessive fat deposits in certain areas of your body, and they do not respond to any diet or exercise, you may be the ideal candidate for liposuction.
During a consultation for liposuction / liposuction, the doctor:
A liposuction includes the following steps:
During the recovery after the liposuction intervention, the patient will wear a special compression garment or elastic bandages that will cover the treated areas. They help the area not swell and press the skin for the new contour.Our doctors will provide all the instructions you need so that the recovery proceeds perfectly, without complications.
Our advice also include:
Most of the time it takes a few months for the swelling to go away.
*Rezultatele pot varia în funcție de caracteristicile personale ale pacienților. Ne adresăm persoanelor cu vârsta peste 18 ani.
Împreună spargem barierele și arătăm de ce naturalul și echilibrul au rămas și vor rămâne principii de bază după care să ne ghidăm atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și în lumea chirurgiei estetice.
Sōma Clinic se alătură Grupului NORD, consolidând astfel o echipă de profesioniști în chirurgie estetică, plastică și estetică medicală.
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